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housing for all

justice for all

equality for all

education for all

water for all

food for all

better quality health care for all

Opportunities for all

The Leadership Our Country Needs


We are making history together in Trinidad and Tobago. You can shape the future for yourself and your children. We want you to have a greater say in the way our lives are governed. Trindad and Tobago belongst o all of us. It is our home. Political parties exist to serve you. We serve ALL

Our Mission

To place God at the helm of our Nation. To love our people and country unconditionally. We start by building a fair and just society whereby which the benefits of progress are spread widely to all. Our desire to bring economic empowerment and social justice to all. We are not the Bystanders of our country but rather Citizens that builds our cities.

Our Vision

Trinidad and Tobago must become the pillar of light and the iconic blue print used to lead the Caribbean. Based on International Standards we will become the Home of Hospitality with a global competitive advantage fostering diversification, embracing technology and amplifying our cultural and geographical richness.

Our Emblem

The emblem of the Party is an outer black circular ring followed by a white inner circle on the inside and then a red circle with the party name and acronym APP to the bottom and finally an inner white circle with an icon of Three Persons holding each other.
The official symbol of the All Peoples Party includes three persons holding their hands together in the air in unity.The Party is inclusive and thrives on democratic participation and principles. The three (3) hands represents connectivity between the Party, the people and God – all working together to make our country strive.

About KezelJackson

Kezel Jackson commonly described as the “Queen of the Poor” because of her rags to riches story as she now represents the interests of the poor to provide a voice and platform for the oppressed and ostracized. She is a modern day “Wonder Woman”.

 She wears many hats as an author, former Tutor of University of the West Indies, former Principal and Guidance Counselor, a Politician and Political Advisor, Managing Director of a Media, Marketing and Public Relations Company for the Caribbean, a Television Show Host and Producer, Global Asset Management lead consultant and most importantly a humanitarian/ philanthropist.


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